Friday, August 8, 2014

Homemade Joint & Muscle Massage Oil

Homemade Joint & Muscle Massage Oil

Do you have joints or muscles that hurt?  Joints that just ache, muscles that hurt from overuse or strain?  I do.  My hands, my thumb joint on my right hand, and my back are the worst.  My husband will massage my hand for me at night, which is where my thoughts turned to making a wonderful massage oil.  How much better it would feel with healing oils, herbs and spices to just soak right in there where it's needed the most, to help the healing and repairing along.  Let me say that there's something to be said about the said healing properties of herbs.  The commercial rubs just aren't that helpful.

So, I did my homework, and came up with this fabulous healing herb massage oil.  It's designed to target the problem, and get right in there to work on what's ailing you.  Make some for yourself, or click the button right at the bottom of this post.

Monday, July 21, 2014

New Homemade Rejuvenating Facial Scrub!

New Rejuvenating Face Scrub!

I'm calling this formula New Homemade Rejuvenating Facial Scrub for several reasons.  One, I have taken out the Apricot Seed Powder, and replaced it with two types of wonderful salts.  I have incorporated much of the ingredients that I have found to be excellent for rebuilding skin cells, like:

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Homemade DIY 'Summer Feet' Foot Balm!

Summer Feet Foot Balm!

My niece asked me a few months ago if I had a product specifically for feet.  I did not at that time.  Which got me to thinking about how everyone loves my Cuticle Cream, and how I love the way it makes my cuticles, and lips, feel so soft and healthy.  Even though I regularly used a callus remover tool, my feet were not in great shape.  I refuse to wear sandals unless my feet look good.  Since I've had my hip replaced, the Doctor and the nurses suggested I stay away from getting pedicures at nail salons to avoid the chance of infection.  So, I decided to use my Cuticle Cream as a jumping off point, and see what I could do to make a great foot balm.

I am extremely pleased with the results.  I made it softer and easier to spread, and added some great essential oils to make those tired feet feel invigorated, renewed, and pampered.  The only thing I will do different next time is to blend just a bit better as I can feel that the oils and the harder butters and beeswax have separated a little. You can barely see the polka dots on the surface in the photos. Those areas are a little softer than the rest.  But, it all gets mixed up as you apply.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

An Old Hobby, DIY Jewelry!

I've been thinking a lot lately about an old passion of mine, jewelry making.  I have been passionate about jewelry my entire life, precious stones, precious metals, sparkle, just about anything that you can put into a lovely piece of jewelry.  So, with  that said, I have decided to do some blogging about it.

Heather Cubes

This stunning two-piece set, Heather Cubes, is made with solid sterling silver and lovely ceramic beads.  It's a statement piece, it will complete any outfit, excellent piece for business attire or for an intimate dinner for two.

Dinner Cruise

This absolutely lovely two-piece set, Dinner Cruise, is just stunning with its large genuine Lapis beads, beautiful green genuine Peridot beads, all held together with solid sterling silver.

I'm not sure where this will lead, but I do have a lovely collection that I will be sharing on this blog from time to time.

Carpe Diem! Lil and Bill

Friday, March 28, 2014

Homemade Outrageous DIY Face Cream!

Homemade Outrageous DIY Face Cream!

I'm calling this new face moisturizer "Outrageous" because the products in this one are not your normal go-to items.  This new combination will make your skin appear younger and you'll be looking so very fresh in no time at all!  This moisturizer has five brand new products that will soften, plump, even out skin tone, and make you glow.  Sounds too good to be true?  Not at all.  I've been using a couple of these products for quite a few months now, my skin tone has improved, and the fine lines and wrinkles have been minimized.  I am very, very happy with this new moisturizer.  Here's what I used:

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

An ATV For The Farm!

1988 Yamaha Moto 4 ATV 350cc

I may have mentioned in an earlier post that I had hip replacement surgery last year, which was a very good decision.  My husband is considering knee replacement surgery, and my other hip isn't too far off from getting replaced also.  I say all that to introduce our need for something to help us get around the farm with a little more ease and speed.

My husband, Bill, had been looking for quite some time before he found this little "gem" for a great price.   Now, when we're talking about my husband, a great price usually comes along with a bit of repair work, and this little "gem" was no exception!  We purchased it in early August of last year, and it's been up on blocks ever since.  Granted, being my only caregiver for a couple months, and then the Holidays, definitely slowed him down.  

ATV Garaged for repairs