Here's a short video I took of the baby chickens when they were six days old. They are growing their tiny wings so quickly. I can see a difference every day. They sometimes get on top of the feeder and take a running leap whilst flapping away. If they keep this up, they'll be flying out of the brooder in no time.
Things are going along rather smoothly these last couple of days. I feed and water them daily, and check on them about every two hours. I figure if the red heat lamp burns out, two hours is probably the max for them to not be too severely harmed from the cold. They are being kept inside the house in a separate quiet room. The house is heated to 68 degrees during the day, and 64 degrees at night. The heat lamp is keeping them at slightly higher than 95 degrees directly under the light, and the coolest spot in the brooder is around 86 degrees. They have the option to hang out wherever they are most comfortable.
Here's a photo I just took today, just four days after the video above. Just look at
Here's a photo I just took today, just four days after the video above. Just look at