Friday, June 8, 2012

What is this?

Does anyone know what this creature is?  It attacked Bill from a tree today, I've never seen anything like it.  It was about 2" long and 1/2" wide, and it had wings.  It released saliva or something from it's mouth, then hammered the area with it's head (mouth).  Fortunately, Bill was wearing leather gloves.

Carpe diem, Lil & Bill


  1. Yikes...that's scary. It's like a small alien invaded!

  2. I know! It was seriously trying to EAT Bill, well, his leather glove, but it would have been Bill if it had been bare skin!

  3. Thanks to my niece, Kristin, we now know that it's an "eyed click beetle". Harmless! I'm so happy to know this, now I can go back outside tomorrow! It wasn't hammering, it was clicking!


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