Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Birdies In The Treetop!

Our tiny little bird eggs hatched!

Checked on our teeny tiny bird nest today, and found at least three hungry, furry little babies.  There were four eggs in the nest just a couple days ago, but I could only see three little open mouths.  I was trying to hold down the branches with one hand and hold the camera and snap with the other while not disturbing the nest.  I'm not too good with that, but you can see them fairly well.  I'm still not sure what kind of birds they are.  I just love Spring!

Carpe diem, Lil and Bill

Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Garden, The Miracle Within!

I love the garden when it's freshly planted, the earth is so clean and bare, and filled with promise!  The idea that we can put tiny little seeds into the ground, and with care and hard work, reap a harvest of abundance fills me with awe.  I look out at the patch of naked earth each day with hope and faith that it will bring forth the life it holds within.  What a miracle it is! 

Carpe diem, Lil and Bill

The Garden, The miracle Within!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Chickens Have Moved In!

Baby chicks!

The girls have moved into the coop!  This is not just any ol' coop, this is Cluckinghen Palace! We have six Black Australorps, six Silver Laced Wyandottes, and one free unknown rare breed!  Next week we get a shipment of six New Hampshire Reds and fifteen White Leghorns.  The blacks, silvers, and reds are our dual purpose chicks, and the White Leghorns are meat chicks.    These babies are so cute and fuzzy!

Cluckinghen Palace, Completed!

Carpe diem, Lil and Bill

Sunday, May 20, 2012

And Another Mystery Bird Nest!

Bird nest about 4" diameter with jelly bean sized eggs, blue with brown spots

On my post of May 9th I had a picture of a nest, about 6 inches in diameter, with blue eggs and brown spots, the eggs were about an inch long.  It turned out to be a mockingbird nest.  Here is a different nest with eggs that I found in our cherry tree, it's much smaller, about 4 inches in diameter, and the eggs are about the size of jelly beans, but they are also blue with brown spots.  I have seen the mommy bird, she is small like a sparrow, maybe smaller, and colored like a sparrow, but has a dark red stripe on her head.  I tried to find her on the internet, but have had no success.  Anyone know what she is?

Carpe diem, Lil and Bill

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Chicken Coop Chicken Doors

My husband designed these chicken doors with a pulley system so I could open and close them without having to go into the chicken area.

Chicken Coop Chicken Door Pulley System

It is a fabulous system, as the chicken coop has an entrance area that is our supply and storage place, a foyer (or fwa.je if you will).  They are designed on a pulley system, and are very convenient.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Yet Will I Praise Thee!

Habakkuk 3:17

I saw this today, and thought about how sometimes I get concerned that we will never quite get our farm to where we want it to be.  I tend to be the impatient kind, however, being married to my wonderful, extremely talented husband has taught me to be much more patient than I ever thought I could be!  This verse from Habakkuk spoke to my spirit and said, "Thank Me, praise Me", for I have much for which to be grateful.  Gotta love it!

Carpe diem, Lil and Bill