Howse Post Hole Digger and Auger on tractor |
Aaand, we are off onto yet another project How does one drill 140 holes 2-3 feet deep in this hard, rocky clay? This is how you do it! A post hole digger & auger, Bill's Fathers' Day present! We purchased a
Howse Post Hole Digger and Auger from
Southern Farm Supply. He's not thoroughly thrilled with it so far, but we'll see how it performs for him. Hope it goes as quickly as we think it will. As soon as we finish this project, we will be bringing home Kahn and Kheli, our Anatolian Shepherd Livestock Guard Dogs from
Clear Creek Kennels in Mt. Vernon, KY. I can't wait! It will be finished none too soon as the baby chicks are ready to go outside. I think we need to wait for the dogs to prevent them from being snatched up and carried away by the hawks.
Carpe diem, Lil & Bill