Monday, June 8, 2015

Growing Sprouts at Home!

Sprout Jar Wooden Rack with Jars

Growing your own sprouts at home is a rather simple project that can provide excellent nutrients at a very reasonable cost compared to purchasing them in your local grocery store.  In addition, it is a very compact way to store food in case of an emergency.

What you will need in order to grow your own sprouts:

  1. A jar in which to grow them.  A standard wide-mouth quart size canning jar is what I use.
  2. You will need to have a piece of mesh cloth that will enable you to drain off the water from the seeds as you rinse them each day.  I didn't have any lying around the house, so I ordered mine online. 
  3. You will also need to have a way to keep your jars upside down so they can completely drain, and have some air flow to the sprouts.  My very talented  husband made a wooden rack for me that holds up to 3 Mason jars and folds flat for storage.  You can purchase one from our Marketplace if you wish.
  4. Then, you will need to have sprouting seeds.  I found mine online.

Canning jar, mesh cloth, and metal ring

Folding Wooden Rack

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Homemade Shampoo Soap Bar!

Luxurious Shampoo Bar!

I have spent a lot of time researching homemade shampoo.  I have even tried a couple of my own recipes, without much success.  Not too long ago I came upon this recipe from Great Cakes Soapworks for a Fabulous Shampoo Bar Recipe.  I have always used salon quality shampoos and conditioners, therefore I was a bit apprehensive at first.  We ladies can be very protective about our hair, but I went for it and made up a batch of her recipe, and wow, was I ever pleasantly surprised!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Baby Chicks At 24 Days Old!

You Lookin' At Me?

The chicks are growing so fast!  Every couple days it seems that they have just exploded another inch.  They are coming into the stage when their feathers are growing in, and they look rather ragged and prickly as their fuzzy down gives way to feathers.  This chick is one of the more advanced ones with her pretty red colors beginning to show.

Babies at the big girl feeder!

Here are a couple others where you can see the different stages of

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Baby Chicks At Two Weeks Old!

Growing fast they are!  Red Star babies are doing well, and sprouting their wings as we speak.  Here is the latest video I took today.

The chicken coop has been cleaned and prepared for the babies.  The three-year old hens have been moved over to the back side of the coop, and Bill and Jim put up a barrier on the bottom of the chicken wire divider wall to make certain the babies can't get stuck in the fencing.  All that is left to do is move the heat lamp out there, they will have much more room to flutter and practice their flying skills.  We will wait as long as possible before moving them.  I feel better as long as I can check up on them as often as I like while they're in the house.  But, they are starting to manufacture a whole bunch of feather dander already!  So, it won't be long now.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Tree Down, Fence Down!

As I was leisurely looking out the back window this morning, my eyes fell on something unfamiliar looking.  Upon further examination, we discovered that one of our pine trees had given up a few of its branches, right on top of our fence!

Right onto the fence!

The guys, Bill and my brother-in-law, Jim, got right to getting it all cleaned up.

Formulating a plan!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Raising Baby Chicks - Part 2

Here's a short video I took of the baby chickens when they were six days old.  They are growing their tiny wings so quickly.  I can see a difference every day.  They sometimes get on top of the feeder and take a running leap whilst flapping away.  If they keep this up, they'll be flying out of the brooder in no time.

Things are going along rather smoothly these last couple of days.  I feed and water them daily, and check on them about every two hours.  I figure if the red heat lamp burns out, two hours is probably the max for them to not be too severely harmed from the cold.  They are being kept inside the house in a separate quiet room.  The house is heated to 68 degrees during the day, and 64 degrees at night.   The heat lamp is keeping them at slightly higher than 95 degrees directly under the light, and the coolest spot in the brooder is around 86 degrees.  They have the option to hang out wherever they are most comfortable.  

Here's a photo I just took today, just four days after the video above.  Just look at

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Beautiful Snow On The Farm!

Winter on the farm!

As winter was passing this year, I was longing for some snow to go along with the low, low temperatures we were having.  As days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, I began to think that maybe the snow wasn't coming this year.

What a beautiful world!

But, alas, the beautiful snow arrived last night, and was it gorgeous as it was falling! Huge, huge snowflakes, the biggest ones I've ever seen.  But, I am a Florida girl, so

Monday, February 23, 2015

Raising New Baby Chicks!

Twenty-five on these on the farm!

It's always exciting to get new babies here on the farm!  Here is a picture of the brooder all set up and waiting for the chicks.  We used a 3 foot kiddie pool placed on a large square of cardboard for added warmth, wrapped it all around with 18" high brown construction paper.  My husband had some paint sticks around and used them to help hold up the paper.  We lined the pool with newspaper, attached the heat lamp to a wooden ladder-back chair, and placed the feeder, waterer, and thermometer inside.  The red heat lamp makes it a bit difficult for the camera to take a great picture.

The brooder ready to go!

Today twenty-five brand new baby chicks came home to live on the homestead.  We purchased Red Star pullets.  According to Murray McMurray Hatchery, these are the very best extra large dark brown egg layers they offer.  We will see how they do for us.  

Here they are, settling in their new home.  Oh my goodness, they are so stinkin' cute!

Little fuzzy balls of cuteness!

According to the hatchery's instructions, we added 3 tablespoons of sugar to their

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Sewing With Sarah!

I just had the best few days spending some time with my two granddaughters, Sarah and Hannah.  Please humor me as I share some 'Grandmother's pride'.

When sweet Sarah, my favorite ten-year old granddaughter, first asked me if I could help her sew an apron, her first sewing project, I casually said, "Sure, we can do that".  I then began to reflect on how I needed to begin teaching this as she wanted to do it herself, but had never had any experience with sewing, or a sewing machine, before.  I said to my husband, "Oh dear, what have I gotten myself into?"

Sarah intensely working!

As I began to reflect on when and how I first learned to sew, a million years ago in Home Economics class in 9th grade, I wondered if I still have the patience and the 'know-how' to do this.  In addition, I haven't as much as looked at a sewing machine for at least ten years or more.  As I began to dissect the process, I formulated a plan.  Here's how I thought it would go:

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Building A Pergola For The Farm!

This project was started a couple of years ago.  We put down the 13' wide x 17' long patio, Bill planted the four corner posts, and built a fire pit. Then, life just sort of got in the way.  Finally, construction has begun again!  We just may have ourselves a pergola in a few short weeks if all goes according to plan.  Here's a picture of the patio stones, four corner posts and fire pit that were installed a couple years ago.

The beginning of the Pergola! 6/2012

We haven't landscaped the back of the house because we were planning to put in a deck that would go all the way across.  I think that plan may be reduced to a smaller, less aggressive plan including just one half of the back of the house. Some landscaping against the house behind the pergola, maybe lilacs and hydrangeas, would be nice.  I'm wanting to put wisteria on the four corner posts of the pergola.  I think it should be pretty.  Hopefully it will all grow for me.  Being a Florida girl, my green thumb turned a little brown when we moved here.  I'm still learning tho', and that's always a good thing.

Friday, November 14, 2014

More from Lily Ruth Originals

I thought that with the Holidays coming upon us so quickly, it might be time to display a couple more pieces of my handmade, one-of-a-kind, sterling silver, top-of-the-line components jewelry.  You just may see something you love, or someone you love would love.  So much love going on...

All Dressed Up 3-pc set!  $145.00

This set is comprised of solid sterling silver components, the very best beading wire I know of, and Swarovsky pearls and crystals.  It is a beautiful and classic set with a little bit of sparkle.  Just perfect for the upcoming Holiday season.

Lily's Luxury Pens!  $55.00

These pens are just wonderful.  I have a red one that I've been using for several years, and I just love it.  There are more colors available than what is shown in this photo.  Contact me for more information.  These are wonderful gift ideas, in addition to the pen you also will get a black velvet pouch, an extra refill, and a gift box.  Perfect gift for the woman who has everything!  I guarantee she doesn't have one of these.

Carpe Diem! Lil and Bill

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Hot Process Soap Making!

Hot Process Soap Making!

Making hot process soap is no easy task!  It does take some time and experience to get it right, and to get the artistic component down.  My first effort at making hot process soap was the Apple Crisp recipe.  I cooked the soap way to long, I had difficulty determining when it had reached the proper stage called saponification.  I had real problems when it came time to mold.  It was way too dry, and seized up when I began to mix in the additives.  I have since learned that I could have added water.  A whole bunch of the bars crumbled into pieces when slicing them.  Others may have thrown out the entire batch, it did cross my mind, but I just couldn't bring myself to waste all that good stuff!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Gracie, Our Newest Addition!

Gracie, the photo that started it all!

Since we lost our dear Max more than a year and a half ago, I knew I would eventually want another dog.  That's just me, I love animals, and enjoy having them around.  I thought long and hard about what kind of dog I wanted.  Max, a Loiusuana Catahoula Leopard Hound mix, would be a hard act to follow. There are so many to choose from, but I finally settled on a Sheltie.  My family had one when I was very young, and I have always loved them.  So, as my birthday neared, I started following the rescue shelters that were close by, looking for that perfect fit. Then, Tag 193 came across my Facebook page on July 25th, and I was smitten.  I first saw her on that Friday, and the

Friday, August 8, 2014

Homemade Joint & Muscle Massage Oil

Homemade Joint & Muscle Massage Oil

Do you have joints or muscles that hurt?  Joints that just ache, muscles that hurt from overuse or strain?  I do.  My hands, my thumb joint on my right hand, and my back are the worst.  My husband will massage my hand for me at night, which is where my thoughts turned to making a wonderful massage oil.  How much better it would feel with healing oils, herbs and spices to just soak right in there where it's needed the most, to help the healing and repairing along.  Let me say that there's something to be said about the said healing properties of herbs.  The commercial rubs just aren't that helpful.

So, I did my homework, and came up with this fabulous healing herb massage oil.  It's designed to target the problem, and get right in there to work on what's ailing you.  Make some for yourself, or click the button right at the bottom of this post.

Monday, July 21, 2014

New Homemade Rejuvenating Facial Scrub!

New Rejuvenating Face Scrub!

I'm calling this formula New Homemade Rejuvenating Facial Scrub for several reasons.  One, I have taken out the Apricot Seed Powder, and replaced it with two types of wonderful salts.  I have incorporated much of the ingredients that I have found to be excellent for rebuilding skin cells, like:

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Homemade DIY 'Summer Feet' Foot Balm!

Summer Feet Foot Balm!

My niece asked me a few months ago if I had a product specifically for feet.  I did not at that time.  Which got me to thinking about how everyone loves my Cuticle Cream, and how I love the way it makes my cuticles, and lips, feel so soft and healthy.  Even though I regularly used a callus remover tool, my feet were not in great shape.  I refuse to wear sandals unless my feet look good.  Since I've had my hip replaced, the Doctor and the nurses suggested I stay away from getting pedicures at nail salons to avoid the chance of infection.  So, I decided to use my Cuticle Cream as a jumping off point, and see what I could do to make a great foot balm.

I am extremely pleased with the results.  I made it softer and easier to spread, and added some great essential oils to make those tired feet feel invigorated, renewed, and pampered.  The only thing I will do different next time is to blend just a bit better as I can feel that the oils and the harder butters and beeswax have separated a little. You can barely see the polka dots on the surface in the photos. Those areas are a little softer than the rest.  But, it all gets mixed up as you apply.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

An Old Hobby, DIY Jewelry!

I've been thinking a lot lately about an old passion of mine, jewelry making.  I have been passionate about jewelry my entire life, precious stones, precious metals, sparkle, just about anything that you can put into a lovely piece of jewelry.  So, with  that said, I have decided to do some blogging about it.

Heather Cubes

This stunning two-piece set, Heather Cubes, is made with solid sterling silver and lovely ceramic beads.  It's a statement piece, it will complete any outfit, excellent piece for business attire or for an intimate dinner for two.

Dinner Cruise

This absolutely lovely two-piece set, Dinner Cruise, is just stunning with its large genuine Lapis beads, beautiful green genuine Peridot beads, all held together with solid sterling silver.

I'm not sure where this will lead, but I do have a lovely collection that I will be sharing on this blog from time to time.

Carpe Diem! Lil and Bill

Friday, March 28, 2014

Homemade Outrageous DIY Face Cream!

Homemade Outrageous DIY Face Cream!

I'm calling this new face moisturizer "Outrageous" because the products in this one are not your normal go-to items.  This new combination will make your skin appear younger and you'll be looking so very fresh in no time at all!  This moisturizer has five brand new products that will soften, plump, even out skin tone, and make you glow.  Sounds too good to be true?  Not at all.  I've been using a couple of these products for quite a few months now, my skin tone has improved, and the fine lines and wrinkles have been minimized.  I am very, very happy with this new moisturizer.  Here's what I used:

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

An ATV For The Farm!

1988 Yamaha Moto 4 ATV 350cc

I may have mentioned in an earlier post that I had hip replacement surgery last year, which was a very good decision.  My husband is considering knee replacement surgery, and my other hip isn't too far off from getting replaced also.  I say all that to introduce our need for something to help us get around the farm with a little more ease and speed.

My husband, Bill, had been looking for quite some time before he found this little "gem" for a great price.   Now, when we're talking about my husband, a great price usually comes along with a bit of repair work, and this little "gem" was no exception!  We purchased it in early August of last year, and it's been up on blocks ever since.  Granted, being my only caregiver for a couple months, and then the Holidays, definitely slowed him down.  

ATV Garaged for repairs

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Homemade Cuticle Cream/Balm

Homemade Cuticle Cream/Balm

I discovered this cuticle and nail cream quite by accident.  You may remember the painter/instructor Bob Ross who used to have a TV series on teaching how to paint with oils.  I always enjoyed watching him because he made it look so easy.  I'm not a painter by any stretch of the imagination, so the way he painted looked like magic to me.  He always said that there were no mistakes in painting, only "happy accidents".  Well, this product is a "happy accident".

It started out as a lip balm, but the flavor and color weren't working well for me.  So, one day I was in the car going somewhere and noticed my cuticles looked a bit dry.  While applying the lip balm, I decided to put it on my nails, and, surprise, a great cuticle cream was born!

Outrageous DIY Anti-Aging Face Serum!

This is the latest of the greatest, my new Outrageous line!  This product has the best of the best ingredients that I could find.  I'm looking forward to this formulation doing great things.  Here's what is in it:

Outrageous Anti-Aging Face Serum!

  • Emu Oil benefits are known throughout the world through scientific study and testimonials of happy customers. Research and history show that Emu oil has been used for thousands of years as a natural medicine by the Aborigines of Australia. It was used for arthritis pain relief, to heal wounds, burns, sunburns, and to reduce the pain, itch and swelling of insect bites and stings.  Scientific studies of Emu Oil indicate that it has healing properties in many different ways.   Emu oil has been shown to reduce the depth and length of fine lines and wrinkles in many studies as well as being moisturizing as a natural skin softener. It has been proven to be the fastest and most penetrating oil for the skin, as well as a transdermal carrier for any other added therapeutic ingredients for skin care.  Emu Oil is gentle for all skin types, non-toxic and natural, non-comedogenic (does not clog pores) and hypo-allergenic (non-irritating), so it is great for people with sensitive skin and allergies. Emu Oil is effective in its anti-inflammatory properties.  It's been compared to medication such as ibuprofen, except without the negative side-effects frequently common with traditional prescription or corticosteroid based anti-inflammatory medications.  Emu oil comes from the backfat of emus, having a lot of fatty acids including omega-6 and omega-3.  It also contains Vitamins A and E which are known for helping maintain the skin.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Homemade Ultimate Face and Body Lotion!

Homemade Ultimate Face and Body Lotion!

In my mind, this is the ultimate lotion, not only for hands and body, but for the face also!  I have combined, to the best of my knowledge, the best of the best in this latest creation, Shea Butter, Cocoa Butter, Macadamia Nut Butter, Coconut Oil, Jojoba Oil, and Aloe Vera Oil. The benefits of these ingredients for your skin, in my opinion, cannot be beat.  I would use this lotion as a lighter day time face moisturizer, especially for under make-up.  Here we go:

Thursday, March 20, 2014

DIY Horsetail Hand & Body Lotion!

DIY Horsetail Lotion!

I love trying out new things.  This is my latest hand and body lotion experiment, Horsetail butter.  I have very dry skin, I haven't always, but in my later years now, I am always reaching for a moisturizer. So, I'm constantly looking for something different, something better.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

A New Mystery On The Farm!

Mysterious Tiny Chicken Egg?

While collecting the eggs and feeding the chickens today, I found this remarkably small egg in the nest with all the hens eggs.  It's just a tiny bit larger than the malted milk candy eggs you find in the stores around Easter.  The hens have four nesting boxes, but all fifteen of them share one favorite box, go figure.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

The First Snow On The Farm In 2014!

The First Snow On The Farm In 2014!

If my memory serves me right, we didn't get any snow last winter.  I missed it, I really missed it.  I'm a Florida girl, and I truly don't like the cold, but if I must endure the cold, a bit of snow seems to make it worth while..  We got our snow this year, just the right amount, a couple of inches.  It is now two days later, and there is still a remnant of snow on the ground.  It will be all gone by tomorrow.  A world of pure white will transform into a world of winter brown once again.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Homemade Coconut and Kaolin Clay Soap!

Homemade Coconut and Kaolin Clay Soap!

More soap creations from the farm!  My daughter must inspire me.  When she places an order for soap, my brain goes into overdrive thinking of ways to make them different, and pretty. These are my latest.  I used coconut melt and pour soap base.  I just love coconut oil for my skin.  I love the way it moisturizes, protects, nourishes, and exfoliates all at the same time.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Homemade RX Dog Food, Is It A Good Thing?

Ziggy, after a grooming from Hannah at Animal Trax today!

Our adorable little canine baby, Ziggy!  Isn't he cute?  He is very camera shy, this is the best I could do, he's really much cuter than this!  He just got home from visiting one of his favorite people, Hannah, owner and groomer at Animal Trax.  He loves to look handsome!  He is almost nine years old with some health problems.  You'd never know it tho', he is such a happy and lovable dog, I still think of him as a puppy.  He has bladder stones, calcium oxalate type, and a higher than normal squamous cell count in his urine.  Because of that, I decided to look into the health benefits of making his food and treats as opposed to buying commercial prescription food.  My reasons for going down this road are three-fold:

Friday, November 1, 2013

Check Out These Chicken Butterfly Saddles!

Chicken Butterfly Saddles!

Life on the farm can sometimes be brutal!  I'm not referring to myself but to my poor little hens.  I've been out of commission for quite a long time recently, so my husband took up the slack of doing my chores.  And, I must say he did a wonderful job handling nearly everything by himself, along with the added burden of caring for me.  Around eight weeks ago I finally decided to go under the dreaded knife, and had a total hip replacement.  That was one of the best decisions I've ever made.  Dr. Bruce Cox at Shelby Bone and Joint worked his magic, and I'm pleased to say that I'm more pain free today than I've been for many years.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Homemade Coconut and Turmeric Soap!

Homemade Coconut and Turmeric Soap!

When I look at these soaps, I immediately think of those Creamsicles that I used to love as a child.  I probably still do, but I deny myself the pleasures.  I shouldn't, life is short.  But getting back to this soap, it not only looks delicious, but it smells wonderful, too!  It is colored using Turmeric powder,the benefits of which I noted in my post Homemade Pumpkin Turmeric Aloe Olive Oil Soap.   Blood Orange and Citrus Basil essential oils make taking a bath or shower with these lovely big bars an enjoyable experience.  Sweet Almond Oil will lightly moisturize, leaving your skin feeling soft and smooth to the touch.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Homemade Jasmine and Green Tea Soap!

Homemade Jasmine and Green Tea Soap!

This soap was inspired by a comforting cup of tea.  The generous size makes this honey and green tea soap great for the bath or shower.  The amber tea leaves mix wonderfully with the earthy green color of the wheat grass powder.  Bergamot, jasmine, and blood orange essential oils give a warm, sensual fragrance to the soap.  Olive oil softens the skin for a soft, smooth feel.

I used one pound of honey melt and pour soap.  I didn't have suspension soap base on hand, so I used Honey base instead and as a result, the tea leaves sunk to the bottom.  I steeped the green tea leaves for several minutes, then pressed out the water in a sieve before adding to the melted soap.  Then I mixed in the wheat grass, olive oil, and essential oils.  I made three large, 4.5 oz., bars, with a little left over for tiny sample bars.  I froze the unused tea leaves that had been soaked for later use, and used the tea water on my face as a detoxifying rinse.  Waste not, want not!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Homemade Whipped Pumpkin Body Butter!

Homemade Whipped Pumpkin Body Butter!

This is another wonderful idea to give as gifts for the holidays.  Its fragrance is that of a warm pumpkin pie with a hint of apples and spice.  This butter is very light and fluffy, loaded with wonderful nutrients for your skin.  It is excellent for dry areas like your elbows, knees, and feet.  Apply it just before climbing into bed at night, and let the aroma send you off into a wonderful deep and relaxing sleep.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Homemade Pumpkin Turmeric Soap!

Homemade Pumpkin Turmeric Soap!

I found this recipe in a book that was given to me by a dear friend. It's the beginning of the Fall season, and pumpkin is in the air, so I decided to adapt the recipe to accommodate my Fall musings. The book is called "Soapmaking The Natural Way" by Rebecca Ittner.  I love this book, I find it to be totally inspiring!

Now, on to the formula for this beautiful soap!  I used an Aloe and Olive Oil Melt and Pour soap base.  For the coloring, I used a blend of Red and Gold Mica Powder and Turmeric to get that beautiful spicy deep pumpkin color.  For the scent I used Pumpkin and Apple Pie Spice fragrance oils to get that warm, pumpkin, spicy fragrance.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Homemade Foaming Pumpkin Salt Scrub!

Homemade Foaming Pumpkin Salt Scrub!

Fall is in the air here in beautiful North Carolina!  I love Fall, the crispness in the air, the leaves beginning to fall, the notion that the Holidays are not far off, and warm and fun family times are near again.  What better way to celebrate the coming of Fall than with pumpkin!  When I saw this recipe on my suppliers, Wholesale Supplies Plus news emails, I immediately knew that I had to have this product in my inventory.  Pair this with a pumpkin scented lotion, and a beautiful pumpkin colored soap, and you have a wonderful gift for any occasion!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Homemade Juniper Breeze 3-Butter Soap!

Homemade Juniper Breeze 3-Butter Soap!

This all natural three-butter soap consists of Shea Butter, Cocoa Butter, and Mango Seed Butter scented with Juniper Breeze Fragrance Oil.  To this I poured in about a cup of sage powder infused soap which created the two-tone color of the bars.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Homemade Chamomile Spice Soap!

Homemade Camomile Spice Soap

This wonderful spicy warm golden soap is made from Goat Milk and Honey melt and pour soap base.  I've added all the good stuff that's in the previous post, Homemade Citrus Sage Soap, except I exchanged the Sage for the Camomile Powder, and the essential oils in this soap are Vanilla, Cinnamon, and Clove.   I love it, both the fragrance and the color.  I made this one for a friend, but I want to make another batch for myself!  Here's a little information about the stars  of the show in this one:

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Homemade Citrus Sage Soap!

Homemade Citrus Sage Soap!

This is one of the nicest soaps I've made!  It's very nice to look at, and it also smells wonderful.  This soap is made with Coconut melt and pour soap base.  To that I added lots of oils that are so very moisturizing for your skin, like Grape Seed Oil, Castor Oil, and Evening Primrose Oil. Then I added Sage Powder, Lemongrass, Lemon, and Grapefruit Essential Oils.

The result is a fragrant, pretty, so good for you moisturizing and beneficial soap bar.  This soap will make not only a wonderful body soap, but will be a terrific face cleansing soap as well.  Here are some of the benefits of these ingredients:

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Homemade Neem Cream for problem skin!

Homemade Neem Cream!

So, do you have some problem with your skin?  Anything from eczema, psoriasis, dry skin, acne, you name it, if it's a skin issue, you should try this cream.  Now, I'm not a doctor, dermatologist, or anything like that, so if you have something that looks suspicious, go to the doctor, but this cream truly works for minor skin ailments.  I first saw this on the blog Lovely Greens, and decided to give it a try while tweaking the formula my way.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Homemade Body Scrub w/ Himalayan Pink Salt

Body Scrub with Himalayan Crystal Salt

This is one of my best homemade products.  I desperately needed something for the dry skin on my feet.  I am a Florida raised girl, have gone barefoot all my life.  The only time I put shoes on my feet is when I'm going out, or when I go into the chicken coop.  I wanted something that would really scrub and moisturize as well. So, this is what I came up with, and it made a huge difference after the very first use.  I now use it after every shower, and I've found a new love!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Homemade Chocolate Mint Lip Balm!

Chocolate Mint Lip Balm!

This stuff smells so good I want to put it on all day long!  It's very nourishing for your lips with cocoa butter and mango butter, extra virgin olive oil and sweet almond oil, a little wax to give it body, the delicious fragrance oil of chocolate and the essential oil of peppermint.  How can that be anything but wonderful for your lips?  It's lip-smackin' good, I tell ya!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Homemade Crock Pot Yogurt!

Homemade Crock Pot Yogurt!

I never realized how easy it is to make homemade yogurt until I saw a pin on Pinterest by One Good Thing by Jillee.  She calls it "crock pot yogurt", and it's so easy to make.  Just pick a day that you are planning to be home for the day.  I have a crock pot with a temperature probe, so that makes it just a little bit easier.  I just pour in the milk, add the powdered dry milk, and set the probe to 180 degrees F, and go about my business.  It takes about four hours on the low setting to reach that temperature.  Then I remove the crock pot from the well, set it on my stove top to let it cool down to the temperature of between 95 degrees F and 115 degrees F.  That takes about 1.5 to 2 hours or so.  Then mix in the yogurt tempered with some of the warm milk, stir well to thoroughly mix, and pour into clean mason jars.  Then place them into your oven, pop on the oven light, and wait another eight to twelve hours, I usually just leave them overnight.  Wallah, you have delicious yogurt.  Refrigerate a couple hours to chill for best results.

Here is the recipe:

Thursday, January 31, 2013

We Have Eggs!

Yes!  We have eggs, lots of them!  We're getting an average of a dozen a day!  We can't possibly eat all these eggs, so we're trying to sell them.  Please, if you live nearby, and enjoy fresh farm free-range brown eggs, stop by the farm, pick up your eggs and leave your payment in the jar, we're using the honor system. We'll be very happy to sell you some beautiful eggs.  Yes, they're a little more costly than commercially raised and sold eggs, not only is the taste much better, but also the nutritional benefits are well worth the slightly higher cost.